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Our Story

 About the founder

I am a lifelong Detroiter, wife, mother, educator, and God-fearing woman. Being born and raised in the city of Detroit afforded me some good and bad experiences. However, each of them alike have shown me what it is, to need someone to, just give you an extra push. Someone who believes in you, and is willing to take the time to get to know, You, as a person with no judgement. To help get you through rough patches of life. I bring to you many years of experience of working with children, youth, and women.  By mentoring young girls through many platforms, including but not limited to, leading youth groups, in the church, and in the community. Such as Girlscouts, in my children’s schools, and volunteering. I’ve operated out of my home with monthly sessions both virtual and in person, bringing women together to uplift and encourage.  Also, many years of dedication to the WISE nonprofit organization. My passion for giving back stems deeply from that little girl I once was and that younger woman and mother struggling, trying to figure out who I am and what I should be doing with my life. We all need a sister-friend, a mentor, a pusher, and someone who genuinely cares, that is willing to push us through our fears, obstacles, doubt, and temporary circumstances. Therefore, you are able to successfully navigate life, by simply being, Authentically You!

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